

European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics

Logo EURIDICEThe Port of Trieste was part of the EURIDICE project, cofinanced by Specific Programme "Cooperation": Information and communication technologies.

EURIDICE was an Integrating project that created the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish an information services platform centred on the context of individual cargo items and their interaction with the surrounding environment and the types of users. The EURIDICE platform simultaneously improve the logistics, business processes and public policy aspects of freight transportation, by dynamically combining services at different levels:

  • Immediate proximity of a RFID tagged cargo item, mobile users and vehicle services;
  • Producer Shipper and Carrier Supply chain including qualification, handling and routing;
  • Freight corridor, represented by authority and infrastructure services including authorisation, security and safety control.

The EURIDICE platform supported 'on the fly' combination of services between user, context and cargo improving and integrating a number of advanced technologies, including: Service-oriented architectures incorporating mobile technologies, interoperability between heterogeneous environments and advanced security features: semantic web and domain ontologies, for automated discovery of services associated to any specific cargo item, context and user request; advanced context technologies, for combination of item, vehicle and user IDs with automatically detected conditions like, e.g. position and status of cargo; distributed intelligent agents, for optimisation, anomaly and threat detection (alerting) and decisions support.

The beneficiaries of the EURIDICE platform are a variety of private and public sector including: industrial companies, for proactive, real-time 'bottom-up' monitoring of goods, logistic services providers, for synchronization of schedules across multi-modal routes, public authorities, for automated security and public safety control, infrastructures, for emergency management and congestion prevention.





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pubblicato il 2023/01/10 12:22:23 GMT+1 last modified 2023-01-10T12:22:23+01:00