

Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network

Logo ISTENISTEN – Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network was a project funded by the INTERREG ADRION Programme (ERDF and IPA II funds) that saw the participation of partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece.

The project aimed at improving intermodal connections from Adriatic-Ionian seaports to the hinterland, in particular by supporting rail freight flows and last-mile connections to the TEN-T corridors – Baltic-Adriatic, Mediterranean, Orient / East-Med and Scandinavian-Mediterranean.


Specific objectives

  • Create a transnational cooperation network to boost innovation and establish a durable cooperation among ADRION ports and intermodal terminals
  • Define a common approach and governance model for ADRION integrated hubs
  • Enhance the competitiveness and environmental sustainability of freight transport across the ADRION area


Expected results

  • Improved knowledge on the current bottlenecks towards an integrated hubs network in the ADRION region

Comprehensive analyses undertaken at both local and transnational/EU level allowed to study the existing and potential commercial flows across the ADRION area, to identify the main bottlenecks towards achieving an ‘integrated port-hinterland hub’, as well as the best practices to be collected into a technical and operational toolbox.


  • Strengthened cooperation among port and hinterland infrastructures at local/hub and transnational/network level

Working groups’ activities at local level, in parallel with the set-up of a transnational cooperation network facilitated the exchange of information and knowledge among key transport and logistics actors in view of defining the conditions to achieve an ‘integrated port-hinterland hubs’ network.


  • Enhanced capacity in planning and organizing efficient and environmentally sustainable logistic services

Based on local working groups’ findings, a set of relevant measures was implemented to achieve the desired level of integration among port-hinterland actors, operations and infrastructures were included in the local action plan for each ISTEN territorial context. Those that were identified as common needs and challenges were then addressed in the Strategic Action Plan for the whole ADRION region.


The ISTEN project had a total budget of about 1.3 million euros and a duration of 36 months (01/12/2017 – 30/11/2020).


Project website

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pubblicato il 2023/01/10 12:28:28 GMT+1 last modified 2023-01-10T12:28:28+01:00