The Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea participated in the project "REMEMBER - REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic port sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tErritorial growth", co-financed by the Italy - Croatia 2014 - 2020 Interreg V A Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
Project Objective
REMEMBER aimed at promoting the transition towards sustainable tourism and blue growth models in the Programme area, through the enhancement of the important maritime cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, of the following eight Italian and Croatian port cities facing the Adriatic Sea: Ancona, Venice, Trieste, Ravenna, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik and Split.
In the framework of REMEMBER, the Port of Trieste realised a virtual museum that enhance the accessibility of the port's digitised cultural and historical contents (such as photographs) in order to raise awareness and knowledge of the historical, cultural and social links between ports and cities. In addition, a permanent exhibition was set up in the premises of the Port Authority in Trieste (Lloyd's Tower).
The REMEMBER Virtual Museum makes possible to share common elements and stories concerning the historical and cultural heritage of the port cities on both sides of the Adriatic Sea.
Starting from a methodological framework shared between the partners and with the objective of creating an innovative cultural product that, on the one hand, is suitable for different groups of visitors, by origin and age group, and on the other hand, can be further developed over time, the Port of Trieste has identified a number of themes within its virtual museum:
- Traditions and culture of the city-port (intangible heritage): the evolution of professions and trades in the port and related to maritime trade; the role of the port of Trieste in trade and coffee processing
- Socio-economic relations of the city-port (intangible heritage): the role played by the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the growth of the port and its historical legacy with respect to the demographic, linguistic and cultural fabric of the city; the development of trade routes and traffic flows from coastal trade to trade with the Mediterranean basin and the Far East; the port of Trieste as a point of departure or arrival of populations fleeing the dramas of persecution on an ethnic-religious basis.
- Architectural and monumental heritage (material heritage): the Lloyd's Tower, the core of the city's maritime trade and shipbuilding industry; the architecture of Porto Vecchio and its machinery; the floating pontoon Ursus.
Lead partner
Central Adriatic Port Network Authority (Italy)
Port Network Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy); Port Authority of Ravenna (Italy); Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Italy); KIP - Intermodal Transport Cluster (Croatia); Port Authority of Dubrovnik (Croatia); Port Authority of Zadar (Croatia); Regional Development Agency RERA SD of Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia); National Museum of Zadar (Croatia); Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy)
42 months - from January 2019 to June 2022.
Project website