SMARTLOGI - Sustainable and Intelligent Cross-border Logistics - was a project coordinated by the Eastern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority and co-funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
SMARTLOGI, which started in January 2018 and ended in December 2020, promoted innovative solutions to improve institutional capacity and strengthen cooperation between public authorities and key stakeholders with respect to the shared strategy of implementing a sustainable and intelligent multimodal transport system in the Alpine Region. The partners worked together with a view to reducing the impact on the environment in terms of pollutant gas, CO2 and noise emissions along the Brenner and Tarvisio axes.
The total project budget was EUR 1.3 million.
The project consortium, coordinated by the Port of Trieste, was composed of a total of 7 partners: the GECT "Euregio senza confini r.l."; Veneto Region, Directorate for Transport; EurAc Research Centre; University of Klagenfurt; LCA - Logistik Center Austria Süd GmbH ctorate; IUAV - University of Venice.
The partnership also included 5 associated partners:
EGTC "Euregio Tirol-South Tyrol-Trentino/Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino"; Government Office of Carinthia, Department 7, Economy, Tourism, Infrastructure and Mobility; Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Südtirol, Department for Mobility, Office for Rail and Air Transport; Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia - Central Directorate for Infrastructure and Spatial Planning; Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Department I/K4.
Project website