

Logo MERIDIANThe Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea - Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone participates in the European project MERIDIAN - Managing Europe's busiest TEN-T corridors fostering green, digital and multimodal services", co-funded by the CEF Programme, as part of a broad international partnership led by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Traffic aimed at promoting the digitalisation of the mobility system through the implementation of digital systems and services along the busiest European freight corridors.

The Action intends to further promote the expansion of digital infrastructure, the launch of C-ITS in Central Europe, the implementation of ITS systems for removing bottlenecks on roads and tunnels, and the management of digital corridors and multimodal services. These implementations will support common goals of increasing safety, reducing congestion and environmental pollution.

In this context, the Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea - Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone will implement the enhancement of the IT infrastructure of its Port Community System serving the road access to the port.

The total value of the Project is 131 million euro and the duration is 60 months, from 2021 to 2025.

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pubblicato il 2023/01/10 14:14:33 GMT+1 last modified 2023-01-10T14:14:33+01:00