

Railway Terminal and LNG Facility

Logo RTALFThe Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea is partner in the project “Railway Terminal and LNG Facility – RTALF” co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility and coordinated by Piattaforma Logistica Trieste S.r.l. – PLT, the construction company which built the New Logistic Platform in the Port of Trieste. The action, running from April 2020 to September 2023, has an overall budget of 6,062,000 euros.

This actions covers all key studies for guaranteeing a sustainable development of the Port of Trieste, and in particular how to reorganise and develop the operational port areas close to the Timber Terminal and the Servola steel factory. In particular, the action is expected to produce the following outputs:

  1. Design and EIA referred to a new Railway Terminal: investigations, analyses, environmental impact assessment, landscape study and final design for obtaining authorisations to build a railway terminal for trains up to 750 m long, connected to the multi-purpose terminal PLT (co-financed by the NAPA4CORE project) and to the future new container terminal (Pier no. 8);
  2. EIA of a new mooring and port facility of Pier no. 8: investigations, analyses, environmental impact assessment, and landscape study;
  3. LNG bunkering facility: study and design;
  4. Port-rail system data exchange: study and design.
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Document Actions

pubblicato il 2023/01/09 14:42:50 GMT+1 last modified 2023-01-10T12:07:02+01:00